NFT Recent Drops

Caravaggio Loves Robots and Flowers

A playful exploration, a mash-up of old and new, like Aladdin from One Thousand and One Nights … New lamps for old.

If Caravaggio was alive today he would paint robots and flowers – Nature and Technology.

“All works, no matter what or by whom painted, are nothing but bagatelles and childish trifles… unless they are made and painted from life, and there can be nothing… better than to follow nature” Caravaggio

Invest in rarity – Art with built in Provenance

See Collection at

Spiritus Animalis

‘If you die before you die, then when you die, you don’t die’! Zen saying

1/1 Unique NFT Tokens

See Collection at

Spiritus Animalis

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Anatole France

1/1 Unique NFT Tokens

See Collection at

Fever Dream : Virus Mind

“To die, to sleep – To sleep, perchance to dream – ay, there’s the rub, For in this sleep of death what dreams may come” Shakespeare.

1/1 Unique NFT Tokens

See Collection at

Lucky Zombie Neon Grifters

A diverse collection of Neon gamblers, grifters, chancers, spivs. Open Edition of 1/1 unique NFT tokens

Lucky Zombie Neon Grifters at Opensea

Amorai Living Portraits

An exploration of beauty and AI in the form of LIVING PORTRAITS. As artificially intelligent systems with visual perception and emotional recognition start to understand human interactions and expression, when an intelligent AI can see us, map our facial expressions/emotions and respond accordingly in an empathic, charming or flirtatious manner …. Will we be captured by such an AI ? Could we fall in love with an AI beauty ?

1/1 Unique Big Art NFTs.

Buy Amorai Living Portraits at Opensea

Biophilia – Astral Botanicals

“Biophilia : A love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms”

Exo-flora Lifeforms from the Astral Plane, from the dream world, or perhaps from another planet or dimension. Beauty is the watch-word for this collection: The beauty of biology, the beauty of nature. Buy, trade, collect, hodl.

This is an open Edition Collection. 1/1 unique NFT biological tokens.

Buy Astral Botanical Tokens at Opensea

70s Wild Party Club

Nostalgic, playful and humorous NFT tokens in remembrance of a freer world of love and peace. A time of wild rock, disco, club and house parties. Each NFT tells it’s own little story. This project will be a capped edition of 99 unique, limited 1/1 NFTs

Buy 70s Wild Party Club NFT Tokens at Opensea

Denizens of Hellion

NFT Tokens. High fantasy artwork with a touch of horror. Lords, Ladies, Kings Queens, Princes, Princesses : Impossible beings from another dimension. Just like us, some are evil, some are good. Single unique NFTs to collect. Currently an Open Edition

Buy Denizens of Hellion NFT Tokens at Opensea

Biophilia – Fragile & Dangerous

“Biophilia : A love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms”

NFT Tokens. Exotic, never seen before insectoid creatures and lifeforms. Many of them are beautiful but nearly all of them are clearly poisonous and dangerous. We hope you enjoy.
This is a Limited Edition Collection capped at #99 unique individual artworks

Buy Biophilia Fragile & Dangerous NFT Tokens at Opensea

Voodoo Gardens

NFT Tokens maintaining a specific style but every one being unique but with extreme diversity. Based on an imaginary game, that does NOT exist, full of strange life forms effected by electric energies and magnetic forces. This is electric art

Buy Voodoo Garden NFT Tokens at Opensea